Prices for a Celebrant

Same Sex Wedding

So often i read comments by many celebrants about how they need to charge (their exhorbitant) fees. They claim all sorts of time, effort or costs to justify such nonsense. These celebrants I am sure are excellent celebrants like most celebrants who provide a nice service. However the functions they carry out before , during and after a wedding are very similar. Small differences may be offered compared to those of us who are reasonably and affordably priced.

I offer my prices upfront, as do a lot of others. But don’t go on price alone for goodness sake. Go and meet a few celebrants and be upfront and say “we would like to meet a couple to see where there is best fit for us”. Look for the personal attributes – is the celebrant meticulous with detail, dresses nicely for you, has a sense of humour you can cope with, can respond with quick responses to your questions, will meet in person, offer a FREE rehearsal (or even have a rehearsal), has a battery powered PA and so on.

I always have said though if you know a celebrant as a friend, use that person because you already have an attachment. This makes it easier to work with and associate with. The celebrant will be chuffed as well.

So my final remarks, if a celebrant fee is not up front, why not???  The fee does not indicate that a celebrant is any better than one other ie a higher fee does not mean you get better service – may just mean more cost for similar great service.

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